Sunday 28 July 2024

Australian Business Law Review, Vol 52, Part 2

ABLR Vol 52, Part 2 is out.

This edition featured four excellent contributions:

* Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) Screening: A Solution to Threats to Research Security? – Dr Brendan Walker-Munro

* Towards Legal Recognition of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations – Dr Aaron Lane, Darcy Allen and Chris Berg

* Book Review - Common Law, Equity and Statute: A Complex Entangled System, by Mark Leeming – reviewed by Alexander Gregory-Allen

* Competition and Antitrust Law: A Very Short Introduction by Ariel Ezrachi – - reviewed by Alison Richards

I would again like to encourage prospective authors to consider submitting their articles to the ABLR. One significant advantage of seeking to publish your article in the ABLR is our much quicker turnaround times compared to other leading legal journals. We aim to publish practical business law articles on topical issues in a timely manner, which means we have to operate on shorter time frames.

Michael Terceiro
General Editor
Australian Business Law Review

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