Check out my recent case presentation entitled "ASIC muffs MAF Waiver case" in which I discuss Justice Downes' decision in ASIC v Commonwealth Bank of Australia [2022] FCA 1422, particularly her reasons for dismissing ASIC's case.
Monday, 27 March 2023
Tuesday, 21 March 2023
Australian Business Law Review, Vol 50, Part 5
ABLR Vol 50, Part 5 is out.
I am particularly excited to be bringing you Volume 50 which marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the ABLR. The ABLR was first conceived and founded by Bob Baxt in 1972 with the first edition coming out in 1973. Bob remained the General Editor of the ABLR for the next 44 years, stepping down in 2018 due to ill health.
The fact that the ABLR is still going strong after 50 years is a testament to both Bob’s vision as to the need for a general business law journal presenting articles on a wide range of legal areas, as well as to his untiring work as the General Editor of the ABLR. It is a great privilege to
have been able to continue Bob’s exceptional work as the General Editor of the ABLR.
This edition features four excellent contributions:
* Business Competitors, Standing and Judicial Review – Professor Matthew Groves
* Corporate Criminal Liability in Transnational Bribery: Is Double Jeopardy a Game Changer? – Qingxiu Bu
* Competitive Neutrality in Australia: Time for a Reset? –Rhonda Smith and Deborah Healey
* A New Regulatory Regime to Address Digital Harm – Nicholas Felstead and Cordelia Egerton-Warburton
I would again like to encourage prospective authors to consider submitting their articles to the ABLR. One significant advantage of seeking to publish your article in the ABLR is our much quicker turnaround times compared to other leading legal journals. We aim to publish practical business law articles on topical issues in a timely manner, which means we have to operate on shorter time frames.
Sunday, 19 March 2023
Failed flat steel fix falls foul of Federal Court: ACCC v BlueScope Steel Limited (No 5) [2022] FCA 1475
Run time 30 mins (which I think is pretty impressive given Justice O’Bryan’s judgment was 450 pages long!)
Thursday, 9 March 2023
ACCC Essentials - Understanding the ACCC’s 2023-24 Compliance and Enforcement Priorities
Check out my recent presentation outlining the ACCC’s 2023-24 Compliance and Enforcement Priorities. In the presentation I discuss why and how the ACCC prioritises competition and consumer matters, the ACCC’s litigation funnel, the ACCC’s performance against their 2021-2022 targets, formal outcomes achieved by the ACCC during 2021-22 (ie litigation, s87 undertakings and infringement notices) and a couple of suggested new priority areas for 2024-25.
Run time 35