Wednesday 14 April 2021

Full Federal Court's decision on the Quantum unconscionability case

As expected the Full Federal Court has overturned Colvin J's incorrect intepretation of unconscionability in the Quantum case.

The Full Federal Court found that Colvin J was in error by holding that the taking advantage or exploitation of some vulnerability, disability or disadvantage of the person or persons to whom the conduct was directed was a necessary aspect of unconscionability within s 21 of the ACL (para 93)

The Court held at para 96 that:

Conduct by a commercial entity which, as here, systematically misuses its superior bargaining position by dishonestly misleading its counterparties and pressuring them by unjustified and unnecessary commercial requirements in a way that reflects a dishonest lack of good faith in undermining bargains previously reached in order to extract surreptitious and undisclosed financial benefits is against and offends an Australian business conscience.

I wonder how Colvin J's other unconscionab
le conduct case in Geowash is going to fare under Allsop CJ?

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